
“I have seen what a difference AcaDeca makes in students’ lives by teaching perseverance, discipline, teamwork, friendship and many things in addition to the subject matter content.”


“The memories and life skills they have gained are priceless.


              “The dedication of teachers and administrators like yourselves is why I chose to put my 5 kids through Catholic schools!”


“The smiles on my students’ faces and the learning and bonding
that occurred because you chose to find a way to make this
possible for our students is something I will never forget.


“Every student, coach, parent and organizer/administrator
of this iconic event came out a winner!”


“All of our students decided that yesterday was
the best day they have had all school year


“In this most extraordinary year, this was such a blessing to be able to take part and share.
Congratulations to all coaches and students!


“Our decathletes and their parents were grateful that they were able
compete this year with so many events being cancelled due to the pandemic.
was due to your dedication and ‘students first’ philosophy.
